Sunday, May 31, 2009

Johnny Carson, Don Rickles, and the Japanese Bath - 1968!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Well, it's that time of year again. Rewound!! on WABC Music Radio. It's not ON THE AIR this year, only streaming and download, so it's not really LIVE, which is a disappointment. But at least it's up and available. 

Dan Ingram, Harry Harrison, Ron Lundy, Cousin Brucie, and all the rest on WABC MUSICRADIO ISLAND! 

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Friday, May 15, 2009

The Arm and the Nile

Monday, May 11, 2009

Atlantis to Rise

Mission to Service NASA's Hubble Space Telescope 
Veteran astronaut Scott Altman will command the final space shuttle mission to service NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, and retired Navy Capt. Gregory C. Johnson will serve as pilot. Mission specialists rounding out the crew are: veteran spacewalkers John Grunsfeld and Mike Massimino, and first-time space fliers Andrew Feustel, Michael Good and Megan McArthur. 

During the 11-day mission's five spacewalks, astronauts will install two new instruments, repair two inactive ones and perform the component replacements that will keep the telescope functioning into at least 2014. 

In addition to the originally scheduled work, Atlantis also will carry a replacement Science Instrument Command and Data Handling Unit for Hubble. Astronauts will install the unit on the telescope, removing the one that stopped working on Sept. 27, 2008, delaying the servicing mission until the replacement was ready. 

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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Hagetaka the Movie (The Vultures)

I'm not one for Japanese TV drama. Very bad, usually. And very derivative of American productions like 24, etc. But this one, is unique and very, very good. Excellent production. I'd pay to see it. Well, looks like I can. It's going to be a movie, continuing the story from where the TV drama left off.

With Nao Omori, the wonderful Kyohei Shibata and Chiaki Kuriyama among others. 

You can watch the original trailers for each of the episodes

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Sunday, May 03, 2009

Latest Virgin Galactic Flight Tests Successful

Sir Richard and his team have ironed out the rudder snags on White Knight 2, and are looking good for the next phase of flight tests and demonstrations.

Looks like Oshkosh is the place to be this coming July. 

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