Well, Honda is releasing a 110cc version of a heavily redesigned Super Cub.
These changes could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you look at them. (I mean that figuratively and literally.)
There are many changes to the timeless bike. Right off the bat, one can see the ubiquitous leg guard has changed, as has the actual body style and type. The entire handlebar assembly has changed, as has the instrument face, all controls, and headlight and turn signal components.
No longer a stamped steel body/frame, the actual frames resides underneath plastic body panels. The website states this is to prevent rust.
I foretold these changes, when I saw a new Yamaha Mate, which is, as a friend of mine used to call such things back in high school, " a plastic chicken" when he was referring to the 'new'(80s) Corvettes. Basically, a shell of its former self.
Well, the Cub has retained the 'look' of the cub, at least, but really, so much has changed with the design, that a Chinese Symba might actually be closer to a Honda Super Cub than a Honda Super Cub (110) is now.
The 50 and 90 cc versions are unchanged from previous models, but don't expect them to stay that way for long. It will cost Honda too much money to run drastically different style builds under the same model name.
Horsepower is up, as one would expect, but not nearly as high as one would think with the more than double cubic displacement and programmed fuel injection (PGM FI).
A telescoping front fork has replaced the Super Cub signature leading link type. Perhaps points gained in riding comfort and lost in original style department ( I may be one of the last remaining leading link fans).
A two stage clutch mechanism has been added to ease shifting, according to the website. Also, an additional gear has been added, making it a 4 speed. (long overdue)
Mileage is considerably less than the 50cc and 90cc models.
The only remaining original elements from former the Super Cub design are the outward general appearance and step-thru design. The assembly of body and engine components (Thailand) lead one to believe that the Super Cub is no longer Super, nor a real Cub.
I'll wait and see one in person to make my final assessment. I will add that, as is obvious from my comments, I'm not too thrilled with most of the changes. If the workmanship is excellent, like previous Cubs, and the design (in person) is impressive, I'll say so. But if not, I'll state that too, just like I did when I noticed rust on the 2008 'anniversary' edition models last year.

(note: click on photos for higher resolution)
Adventures of a Super Cub
Labels: 110, fuel injection, honda, model, new, super cub, telescoping front fork