Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Chi of Tsu and Shi
I sometimes see this kind of thing. Japanese words romanized with
the variation. Older signs have this a lot, but this sign, fairly new
sports the 'alternate' spelling.
Higashiguchi is the way one would pronounce this. Translated as East exit.
The Higashi 'romanized" spelling uses 'si' for "shi" and "ti" for "chi".

Also, commonly misrepresented is the spelling of the sound 'tsu' (つ).
Labels: hiragana, japanese characters
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Mom and Dad Must Be Proud
(Kabukicho early morning)
I would never take a photo of a homeless person. It's a violation of their dignity and totally uncool to do so regardless of how newsworthy or photogenic the subject is. It's wrong.
But for people who choose to be foolish and irresponsible, not to mention downright stupid in public, well, they are fair game.
(Shibuya early morning)
I see this all the time. Early morning chics passed out in public places. One can only imagine how many are passed out in private places, some never to be seen again. Note the cops' attitude about it. This is a very common situation for them, as is seen in their expressions. About an hour later when I passed by again, the ambulance arrived and took the Shibuya girl away to sober her up or clean her out of whatever substances she abused.
(Girl in ambulance)
Ironic that the trash collectors are doing pretty much the same thing as the ambulance staff.
Harsh? Perhaps, but not nearly as harsh as life is going to be to these young women who are
buying reserve seats for an express train to a life of misery, abuse and misfortune. I just hate to see people who have so much, take so much for granted, and throw it away, while others, disabled, sick with cancer, or other terminal diseases would give anything for the health and opportunities that these young gals have who throw it away. All in the name of being 'cool' or 'fashionable'. Sometimes I really think the human race is becoming more stupid by the minute.
Labels: chic, drunk, japanese, passed out, shibuya, shinjuku
Out for a Morning Bite
Saw this 427 Cobra pass me in an intersection. I boogied through some neighborhoods and caught up with him! (cuz he stopped to watch a little league game for a minute!) At the next light, I pulled over and asked if I could take a snap. He happily obliged. Thumbs up. Gave me a nice throttle rev and take off from the light. Didn't get a long enough look to see if it was original aluminum bodied Cobra. Emblems displayed "427 Cobra" It was definitely a big block sound. Kit repro or original, not sure. Anyone?
Labels: 427 cobra, fall, ford, fuchu, koganei, mitaka, racer