Friday, August 29, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Desert Double Feature hosted by The Cinemated Man

Directed by Robert Stevenson
The Second half of our
The Greatest Show on Earth

Saturday, August 09, 2008
Let the Games Beijing!

Thursday, August 07, 2008
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Cartoon Characters

I was sent this by a friend. It says it all. I can't make out who the cartoonist is, but he/she really hit the mark.
Too bad those who are protesting won't bother to heed the message or even learn from it. They'd rather just make a lot of noise, get themselves on the news and spoil things for others. If they really cared about the issues that they say they do, they would have been protesting long, long ago, and for many, many other issues as well.
Reminds me of the anti-war protesters who went ballistic when 6 people were killed in an accidental bombing by a U.S. warplane. Very tragic, without a doubt. But those same 'caring' protesters were silent when Saddam was lowering his citizens into plastic shredders and feeding the human gel to his palace dogs over years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years, etc. Nope, not a raised eyevbrow from the 'outraged', not a inch of activity from the activists, not a whisper from the 'outspoken'.
Nope. Nada, nothing, nowhere.
It's come to the point where I make it a point to ignore any and all protests. It's a shame too, since many of them are/could be valid in their pure form. But what with corporate sponsorship of protests, and billionaires funding them, fahgetaboutit. Who can trust that message any more then the message they are trying to silence? Not me.
And I firmly stand against anyone who thinks attacking a woman in a wheelchair is a valid political statement.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Happy Anniversary, Super Cub! 50 Years Young!
Labels: 50th, anniversary, gold, honda, littlecub, super cub
Friday, August 01, 2008
Home and Country
On a recent trip back home, it was good to see clear blue skies, green lawns (that aren't over-manicured and picked clean of all natural nature) and of course, superb weather, albeit, mighty hot. I rented a Chrysler Caliber and drove around the area taking some photos.